Situated 90 kms away from Bhubaneswar, between two steep hill ranges, Nayagarh houses the district headquarters. Abounding in natural beauty, this town is also famous for many historic places and ancient temples prominent among which are the shrines of Dakshinakali, the living Shakti-peeth and Sri Jagannath Tempie. Built between 1788 and 1808 A.D, the Jagannath Temple here, reflects Kalingan style of architecture. The presiding deity is worshiped in the form of Dadhibamana.Nayagarh is the base from where one can conveniently travel to numerous scenic, religious and legendary places which the district is endowed with.
Best time to visit: Oct to Feb
District: Nayagarh
Open Time: Day Time
Popular Cuisine: Local Food
Attractions: Gopinath Temple, Jagannath Temple, Dasia Ajja Library
Nearest Bus Stop: Nayagarh Bus Stand
Nearest Railway Station: Railway station is Khurdha & Bhubaneswar
Travel Options: Taxi,Bus,Train
Nearest town: Nayagarh
Distance from Bhubaneswar: 90 km