Ram Mandir,in the heart of Bhubaneswar, near Kharavel Nagar, Janpath, is a temple housing beautiful images of Lord Rama, Lord Lakshman, and Goddess Sita. The high rising spire of the main temple visible from many parts of the capital city, is its main attraction. Built and managed by a private trust, the temple complex also comprises shrines devoted to ochre-painted marble idols of Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva and other gods.
Best time to visit: Oct-Feb
District: KH
Opening Time: 6Am-9.30Pm
Food: Hotels in Bhubaneswar
Nearest Bus Stop: Vani vihar
Nearest Railway Station: Bhubaneswar
Travel Options: Taxi,Bus,Train,Flight
Nearest town: Bhubaneswar
Km from Bhubaneswar: 0